Bike Light Law Reminder

For safety reasons, if you plan to ride your bike to the High School from Lumpkin County Middle School or a hotel downtown while it’s still dark (before 6:55 a.m.) and after the ride concludes (after 8 p.m.), you will need to have a light placed on the front and rear of your bike. If you do not have lights placed on the front and rear of your bike, you will be cited.
If you would prefer to ride without a light remaining on the front of your bike, we do have a bag check.
Georgia bike laws state the following in regards to lights:
Every bicycle when in use at nighttime shall be equipped with a light on the front which shall emit a white light visible from a distance of 300 feet to the front and with a light on the back which shall emit a red light visible from a distance of 300 feet to the rear. Any bicycle equipped with a red reflector on the rear that is approved by the Department of Public Safety shall not be required to have a light on the rear of the bicycle.
You can find more information about Georgia Bike laws at